It is the end of January, the thrill of the festive season is but a dull memory and the heavy grey skies of Winter have once again failed to bring any of the promised glamour of snow and ice - so what can lift your mood at this time of year?
The answer, if you ask a search engine, is Valentine’s day. We all know the name of this saint can spark as much hatred as love but that doesn’t stop his search engine prowess being top-of-the-game at this time of year. The top three answers for how to celebrate the day of the saint are:
1. Eat chocolate
2. Drink wine
3. Cook a meal
Forgive us for being unromantic, but that sounds like an average evening alone for 90% of the population and we here at The Dandy Cat feel you could do a little bit better than gorge on empty calories to lift you spirits.
To begin a perfect February 14th, we recommend you at least spruce yourself up a little. I know you think your routine of rubbing soap over our hair, beard and body on a daily basis is enough to make you stand out in the crowd, but if we are being honest with ourselves, and I think we should be, this is not the routine of the proud. You are worth more than a bar of soap and you know it, you just haven’t found the right grooming solution yet and have been a little afraid to ask.
Our advice would be to pop in store and take a look at what alternatives we offer, but you don’t even need to do that, you can look at all our “nice things” online, choose your favourites and then click and collect them instore thereby bypassing that fearful conversation about products or routine – just walk in, pick up your goods and run away. Easy.
With the new found confidence you will get from using #proper body wash, shampoo and beard oil (or if you prefer a clean shave one of our delightful razors, shaving brushes and shaving creams) you can proudly book yourself an appointment online for a spruce up with our master barber. Our job is to make you look and feel better. To that end each client can sip a beverage of their choice in the chair, and because we are fully licensed you can also purchase a bottle of something to take away – we recommend Hawkins Bros. Sparkling English Wine at this time, or indeed any time of year.
Our Dandy top three for the day of the saint then:
1. Get a proper haircut (not the one your mum chose for you and you haven’t thought to change)
2. Take a bit of care in your daily cleansing routine. We can help with everything you didn’t want to ask the girl behind the counter in Boots about – deodorant, colognes etc.
3. Buy a bottle of Hawkins Bros. award winning English sparkling wine from us and fizz into February.
None of the above is exclusively preserved for those who plan an evening of romance and chocolate, we all know that Valentine’s Day is a joy for some and a pest to many, but you cannot deny that taking a little time to pamper yourself in the middle of the most miserable of months will lift even the darkest of spirits.
Book the barber and peruse our catalogue of “nice things” online today, you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your fireside chair, what could be saintlier than that?